Corel Ventura questions & answers

It is a publishing tool that answers any requirements of publishing industry
Swati Dubey
Answer by Swati Dubey

No, there is no separate option to install Ventura Publisher only from Corel Draw suite 2020.

Question by Kathy
June 5, 2018

are there any settings that may have been selected that would create that problem where the eps does not print? Two of us are able to print the eps properly but one person is not able to. We all live in different countries so not using the same computer.

Question by Tom
October 21, 2017

I'm a longtime user of Ventura Publisher. Corel now says that their latest DRAW program "contains all the features of VP and more." Is that true? Has any former VP user tried this?

Answer by Sean Hill

Indeed, the Corel Ventura products have been embedded into the Corel Graphics Suite. You can find this statement on the official website of Corel.

I will post the statement here as well, for reference:

Corel Ventura was a popular application among business publishers. It was originally released as Ventura Publisher in 1986 by a small software company named “Ventura Software”. Corel acquired the application in 1993 and launched it as Corel Ventura. Released in 2002, Corel Ventura 10 is the latest version of this application. This page layout package was great for preparing general and technical documentation, textbooks, manuals and a lot of other things. If you are looking for all the features of Corel Ventura 10 then check out the latest CorelDRAW Graphics Suite. It has all the features of Corel Ventura and so much more.

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Question by VHoward
July 17, 2015

I have been using Ventura Desktop Publishing since its creation and managed to fix Ventura 10 so that it could be used with Windows 8.1. Now I have two quandaries. If I upgrade the computer to Windows 10, will Ventura 10 still work? Will Ventura 10.3 be compatible with Windows 10?

Stephen Prastman
Answer by Stephen Prastman

The process should be the same as what you did for Windows 8.1, since the new version of Windows isn't too different when it comes to architecture and working modes. If the software won't work in Windows 10, you can always install VirtualBox to add Windows XP, the environment where Ventura works perfectly.

Question by Guest
November 13, 2014
Answer by Robert Polubinski

All the words are underlined because the spell check module is configured to make correction for another language. Access the Settings of the application and then browse to the Spell Check section and make sure it's configured to offer correction for the language you currently use. This issue is often encountered in Microsoft Word, for example. The above method should work as intended after you make the proper modifications.

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Question by Guest
January 29, 2012

Corel Ventura 10 tends to crash when autosaving. Is there anything I can do about it?

Answer by Judy O'Callaghan

Unfortunately, Corel Ventura 10 is notorious for its instability. There are numerous instances when it unexpectedly crashes. Perhaps one of the most adequately accommodating actions that you might take would be to uninstall the program, then reinstall it, so as to restore its more straightforward functioning. If that does not work, you should consider simply disabling the auto-save feature, and instead, try to save your work manually as often as you deem necessary.

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